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January 15, 2019Leo Victor9 Unique Promotional Products to Help You Be Unforgettable
There are so many different promotional items to choose from these days that it can be easy to get lost searching for the right ones to promote your business. To make it even tougher, you have to have unique promotional products to stand out from your competition.
Having unique promotional products is the only way to go if you want to attract new and retain current customers.
Branding is important. “Being memorable is essential for every entrepreneur,” writes Dorie Clark for Entrepreneur, “after all, people won’t fund you or buy from you if they don’t even remember you exist.” But, your competitors also exist.
So how to you get people to remember you and not them? Simple.
Don’t be the same as your competitors. Do something different and unique to stand out from the crowd. No matter what your profession, there are many ways to get your message out there with unique promotional products.
“Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…If you do so, you are insulting yourself.” – Bill Gates
Keep in mind that when I speak about a product being “unique,” I am not just talking about products your competitors may or may not be using. I am also talking about the unique ways to use such items. For instance, you can take a common promotional item and make it unique just by how you use it.
Being unique is one of the most important aspects of your business. Albert Einstein said it the best.
“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen.” – Albert Einstein
Let’s take a look at some examples so you can get a better idea of what I mean.
Unique Promotional Products for Golfers
A local golf coach once purchased golf markers to give out to his first-time students. He noticed that many would take a few lessons and then he would never hear from them again. It wasn’t because he was a bad coach, but because many people who play golf think they are good enough after they learn one or two new things about the game.
The golf markers were a brilliant idea as he put a unique spin on them. On one side he printed his name and phone number. On the other side? A simple message that said “did you miss that putt?” The question was simple. It asked the golfer if they actually made or missed their last putt. Each time a golfer used the ball marker (likely 18 times per round), they thought about the putting lessons they received from this golf coach.
After giving out these out, his return rate went through the roof. He was getting calls from people who had already taken lessons from him but hadn’t called in a while, many of whom were calling right after they were finishing up rounds on the course.
The reason? They missed their putts.
It is this type of uniqueness that makes people remember you. The coach used an inexpensive way to advertise his business to those who would be likely returning clients. The end result was phenomenal and increased his sales tremendously.
“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” – Coco Chanel
He made himself irreplaceable by being different than other golf coaches in the area. His uniqueness with promotional products helped him take a large market share away from others.
Unique Promotional Items That Are Useful to Everyone
If you live in a densely populated city, chances are you get the flyers on your car each time you are in a parking lot. People who advertising their business or cause are right there waiting to slip that card under your windshield wiper for when you return.
While this is a good way to get impressions, it is also annoying as most people don’t want flyers left on their vehicles. It is annoying and often results in resentment towards a business rather than a positive experience people will remember.
So how is one supposed to get the word out about their business in a crowded community?
The next idea I’ll talk about came from a local sandwich franchise that just moved next door to a college. They printed up playing cards with their name and phone number on the back (and logo of course). They then placed the cards in just about every dining hall and dorm on campus.
I’m sure you can guess the results.
Leaving them on tables eventually led to people playing with them which led to orders for sandwiches. It was an inexpensive way to brand themselves into the community while at the same time not angering people by littering their vehicles in parking lots.
You don’t have to copy this idea exactly. There are other ways such as using puzzle games at local doctor office waiting rooms. Keeping patients busy is something doctors would appreciate so getting your name in their office by putting it on unique promotional products is a great way to go.
These type of marketing campaigns are great when using unique promotional products under $1.
Where to Find More Ideas for Unique Promotional Items
Some of these ideas are great but you may still be struggling with finding that perfect unique promotional product idea. Well, you don’t have to go it alone. As always, we have promotional specialists standing by to assist you in the process.
We understand that picking out a product is not as simple as pointing and clicking. There are many things to keep in mind such as who you’re trying to target and how much money you want to spend.
Regardless of your industry, budget, or target audience, call one of our specialists who can bounce around ideas with you until you come up with the perfect item to help brand your business in a unique way.
A Few More Unique Promotional Product Ideas
The possibilities are endless for unique promotional products. We could write for days giving you examples but I think you get the point. Here are just a few more to run by you. Hopefully these will jump start a new unique idea for your brand.
- Custom USB Business Cards – Investing in these eye-catching credit card sized flash drives are a great way to make an impression long after you hand these out. Or check out other great flash drives we offer that people still love in 2019! Those who are scared to use the cloud use flash drives all the time. These are the people you want to bring to your brand. By seeing your brand day in and day out, you are likely going to be the person they go to when they finally decide to get on board with newer technology. Or, if there computer gets infected, you will be the first name they see and likely the first one they call for help.
- Earbuds
– Earbuds work great for anyone in the music industry. Radio stations, record labels, and local music stores would be wise to use these with their brand imprinted on them. People using earbuds are listening to music all the time and more likely than others to spend money on the same. When people put them in and see a specific radio station, they may just tune in to listen. These are also great for people promoting apps since people using earbuds are more likely to be using them on a mobile device and maybe even download or use the app as they are reminded of it.
- Calendars – These are great for promoting anything dealing with parties. Baby showers, weddings, and birthdays. People look at calendars for specific events and reminders and when they see you are the one they can call to help with that event, you just stepped ahead of your competition. Floral businesses, party planners, and even restaurants are great for using calendars as unique promotional items.
Final Thoughts:
Branding is important. People can’t buy from you if they don’t even know who you are. Keep in mind that your competition is also letting people know who they are so you need to stand out from that crowd by being unique.
Use unique promotional products to help separate you from the pack. People buy from people they like and not only can you get people to know who you are, but you can also get them to like you for your unique promotional item ideas.
If you are in a rut and cannot think of a killer idea to promote yourself, reach out to one of our custom promotion specialists. They can help you narrow it down to a few ideas that are likely to help you stand out. It’s what they do for a living so give them a try. You will be surprised at just how much they can help.
Finally, don’t forget about our rush promotional products. If you are in a hurry and need something immediately, we can do that for you. Throw in a few unique branding ideas for these products and you can step ahead of your competition at lightning speed.