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ByLeo Victor

Why Custom Webcam Covers Should Be a Part of Your Promotional Marketing Strategy

Imagine your laptop is sitting out on your kitchen table. The laptop is open and the webcam has a view of your entire kitchen as you, your spouse, or your children go about your everyday lives. In today’s world, hackers can gain access to that very webcam and record your personal private life directly from your own computer. In some cases, you wouldn’t even be able to tell that they are watching. It’s a very scary thought.

Universal Custom Webcam CoversThe development of webcams in computers over the years has led to increased connectivity via video chats. We are now able to connect with each other all over the world with only a laptop and an internet connection. Unfortunately, this has also led to some serious privacy problems.

Former FBI Director James Comey stated that covering your webcam is just as important as locking your front door. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg even conceals his own webcam with a piece of tape. High profile stories like these tell us that webcam security should be taken seriously. It is certainly an important issue to ponder. Fortunately, there is a great solution available.

We here at iPromo have various styles of custom webcam covers that make excellent promotional products for your business. You can help your target market protect themselves from hackers while also getting your brand name out there. We have provided a few reasons below that detail why custom webcam covers are a great option for businesses seeking a very practical promotional product.

Offers Privacy

As we mentioned above, camera blockers can provide privacy for anyone with a webcam by obscuring the actual camera portion of a computer. It’s a simple solution for a complex problem. Technology related privacy issues are currently a hot topic, particularly with all of the recent news surrounding Facebook and the way that their social media platform accesses our personal data.

A custom webcam cover fits right over the camera on a laptop and literally blocks anything from being recorded. This is a promotional product that will be helpful for pretty much anyone with a computer. It also helps you build your brand, because this product protects people and shows that your company cares about the privacy of it’s customers.

iPromo Clients with Custom Webcam CoversExcellent Marketing Tool

Camera blockers are great privacy protectors. They are also a great marketing tool for your company to take advantage of. People are on their computers and devices a majority of the time these days. Whether it’s for work, to check social media, or anything in between, computers are a huge part of most people’s lives.

Picture your logo front and center of their laptop with custom webcam covers. Your company name and logo will be on their screen and in their frame of vision at all times. An opportunity to clearly display your brand on a computer, laptop, or phone is branding gold!

Provides Peace of Mind

Providing peace of mind for your valued customers through a promotional product is priceless. You can keep your clients and associates safe from hackers with an investment in camera blockers, which provide a sense of security and safety. They are a great way to show your customers that you really care about them. They will have peace of mind knowing that no one can see out of their webcam thanks to the camera protector.

Hackers these days can use malware or viruses to gain access to webcams and take a look into someone’s personal life. This can lead to blackmail or perhaps something even worse. By giving away camera blockers at your next promotional event, you are preventing hackers from getting a front row seat into someone’s personal life!


Open and Close Custom Webcam CoverPurchasing custom webcam covers is a great option for companies seeking a promotional product that is useful. However, another big benefit of camera blockers is that they are inexpensive for you to purchase. iPromo’s products are always made with top quality materials and manufactured with precision, but what’s great with this particular product is that they are very budget friendly compared to many other promotional products. The products are a small, lightweight, and economical investment that can pay big returns for your company. They also make a great gift for any occasion!

Protects Camera Physically

Sure, custom webcam covers protect from a privacy standpoint, but they also can physically protect the camera lens on your computer or laptop from harm. The camera protectors don’t coat the lens with any residue, and they can also prevent scratches & physical damage. This is yet another way that these tiny promotional products can add a lot of value for your customers or clients.

As you can see, custom webcam covers really do have a lot to offer. They can help your customers feel safe from hackers while also providing great marketing for your business or brand. Technological breaches of privacy will unfortunately continue to be a part of our lives for many years to come, but you can help your customers, clients, or target audience stay ahead of the curve by distributing custom webcam covers at your next big event!