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ByLeo Victor

How to encourage employees to stay healthy with promotional products

“I’m feeling nauseous and weak. I don’t think I can come in to work today.” Those are words no employer wants to hear. When staff members call in sick, it can dramatically affect productivity in the workplace. Instead of just standing by and watching your team members fall ill, promote wellness in the workplace with these tips:

Give out promotional hand sanitizers
Even when they are sick with the cold or flu, some employees still choose to come into work. Sick staff members can easily spread their germs to other employees and affect productivity. In a 2013 study from the University of Arizona at Tucson, researchers discovered that germs from one ill worker can spread to more than 50 percent of office surfaces in as few as four hours.

The same study was conducted a second time with a “Healthy Workplace Intervention” in mind. Researchers gave employees tissues, disinfecting wipes and a bottle of hand sanitizer and told them to wash their hands before eating lunch and after being around a large group of people. These simple changes lowered the risk of infection to below 10 percent.

This study proves that office hygiene is crucial for preventing the spread of germs. If you give each employee a customized bottle of hand sanitizer, they may be less likely to spread bacteria around the office.

“If employees bring proof of a flu shot, give them a branded item.”

Encourage staff members to get flu shots
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 5 to 20 percent of people in the U.S. get the flu every year. It’s likely that at least a few of your employees will be infected with the virus at some point, so encourage your staff to get flu shots. Incentives may motivate them to go to a local clinic to get vaccinated. If employees bring proof of a flu shot, give them a branded item they could use every day, such as a water bottle or tote bag.

Pay for gym memberships
Exercise not only helps a person maintain a healthy weight; it can also lower their risk of illness by slowing down the release of stress hormones, according to U.S. National Library of Medicine. If you buy gym memberships for your employees, they will be more likely to work out and stay healthy. Get your staff members excited about exercise by giving them promotional fitness products like heart rate watches and athletic T-shirts.

Hold health and wellness seminars
If you want to help your employees stay on top of their health, consider organizing health and wellness seminars a few times a year. Bring in experts who can educate your staff members on how to stay healthy. For example, during the fall, you could have a professional give your employees tips on how to fight the cold and flu. To encourage your staff members to attend these seminars, perhaps by offering prizes like smartphone wallets and computer bags.